Payment of VAT returns in Spain
Payment of VAT returns in Spain
Usually, payments of VAT can be made from any bank account. The Spanish Tax authorities are an exception and only accept payments from Spanish bank accounts. Please refer to the below for your Spanish VAT payments.
Payment through hellotax
In your hellotax account, you can find the payable VAT amount
You transfer the amount to the hellotax bank account. Here are the hellotax banking details:
Hellotax Global SL
Bank name: Banco Santander
Bank address: Calle Virgen Del Pilar Nº 43 Mutxamel 03110
IBAN: ES40 0049 3539 7121 1402 6282
hellotax forwards the payment to the Spanish Tax authorities and files the VAT return. Please note that you will not receive any confirmation after this is done.
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verified - 10.02.2025 - EA
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