C88 form
What is the C88 form?
The C88 form is known as the Single Administrative Document (SAD) and it is the main customs form used in international trade to or from the EU Customs Union. It has replaced various national forms used among EU countries.
It is used for declaring import, transit and community status declarations. SAD was introduced in order to monitor goods arriving from outside the EU and goods being exported outside the EU. The SAD is recognized internationally by Customs authorities, and traders in the UK can use it in order to fulfil customs and duty obligations to HMRC.
What does the C88 form look like?
The C88 form consists of 54 boxes and the full version of this form comes in 8 parts for use at different points in the trading process.
Please find the form here.
How do I complete the C88 form?
In order to see how to fill out the form, please read the following information on the website of the UK government.
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