VAT return deadlines
Important information
Each tax office has a date for vat returns to be filed and paid by.
In EU countries the filing by date and the payment dates are the same.
*Missing the due date for filing or making payments will most likely result in a penalty being issued to your company by the tax office concerned. -
In order to reduce the risk of late payments for your company, hellotax will send you payment information for all your vat returns on or around the 7th of each month and you should make immediate payment on this date.
In some cases, for example NON EU home clients filing in countries like France, Spain, Italy and Poland. Payment must be made before the vat returns can be filed.
Country | EU company | NON-EU company | Payment date |
England (Quarterly) | 1 month 7 days after period end | 1 month 7 days after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Germany (Monthly or Quarterly) | 10th after period end | 10th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Italy (Monthly payments, Quarterly filings) | 16th after period end | 15th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
France (Monthly or Quarterly) | 19th after period end | 24th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Spain (Monthly or Quarterly) | 20th after period end | 20th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Austria (Monthly or Quarterly) | 1 month 15 WD days after period end | 1 month 15 SD days after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Poland (Monthly or Quarterly) | 25th after period end | 25th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
Czech Republic | 25th after period end | 25th after period end | 7th of the month following period end |
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